72. Operate real-life bulldozers and excavators at Dig This

Dig This (Image: Dig This Invercargill).
From skydiving and jet-boating to hiking and biking some of the most spectacular and dramatic landscapes in the world, New Zealand is synonymous with adventure: here is No. 72 of our 101 Reasons To Stop Dreaming About New Zealand And Go.
Offering the most fun you probably didn’t expect, Dig This is a heavy equipment playground complete with real-life bulldozers and excavators in the Southland/Murihiku city of Invercargill/Waihōpai. It takes place in a giant gravel pit where experienced instructors are ready to buckle you in and upskill you in the art of digging, pushing and lifting big piles of dirt. It’s suitable for all ages and no experience is necessary. Just bring a can-do attitude and an appetite for adventure.
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